Introduction of InAppBrowser :
Here we learn “How to use InAppBrowser Plugin in ionic4“, in which we check opening any browser in our app.
Output Example –
Benefits of using InAppBrowser:
- Generally if we want to open any site then we leave the app, so this is solution of that problem.
- Users can view web pages without leaving app.
- This plugin provide a web browser view within your app, so user don’t feel bad.
- Syntax –
Syntax: var ref =, target, options);
Example: var ref =‘’, ‘_blank’, ‘location=yes’);
Explanation of code –
- ref: Reference to the InAppBrowser window when the target is set to ‘_blank’. (InAppBrowser)
- url: The URL to load (String). Call encodeURI() on this if the URL contains Unicode characters.
- target: The target in which to load the URL, an optional parameter that defaults to (String).
- _self: Opens in the Cordova WebView if the URL is in the white list, otherwise it opens in the InAppBrowser.
- _blank: Opens in the InAppBrowser.
- _system: Opens in the system’s web browser.
- options: Options for the InAppBrowser. Optional, defaulting to: location=yes. (String)
- The options string must not contain any blank space, and each feature’s name/value pairs must be separated by a comma. Feature names are case insensitive.
- location: Set to yes or no to turn the InAppBrowser’s location bar on or off
- The InAppBrowser window behaves like a standard web browser, and can’t access Cordova APIs. For this reason, the InAppBrowser is recommended
- The InAppBrowser provides by default its own GUI controls for the user (back, forward, done).
Follow these steps for opening InAppBrowser Plugin.
Step 1:
Firstly we need to install the ionic cordova plugin.
npm install @ionic-native/in-app-browser
Step 2:
Here we are going to import the plugin, open app.module.ts and import the in-app browser.
import { InAppBrowser } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser/ngx';
providers: [
{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler},
Step 3:
Now open the file where you want to implement this, for me it’s home.html
<button ion-button full color="primary (click)="openInAppBrowser(link)">open browser</button>
Step 4:
Now open home.ts
import { InAppBrowser,InAppBrowserOptions } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser/ngx';
export class BrowserPage {
options : InAppBrowserOptions = {
location : 'no',<span style="color: #3366ff;"> //Or 'yes'</span>
presentationstyle : 'pagesheet',<span style="color: #3366ff;">//use for back to the app</span>
constructor(private iab: InAppBrowser){}
const browser = this.iab.create(url,'_blank',this.options);</pre>
<code>browser.executeScript(...); <span style="color: #3366ff;">//use to execute additional script</span>
browser.insertCSS(...); <span style="color: #3366ff;">//use to execute additional css</span>
browser.on(<span class="hljs-string">'loadstop'</span>).subscribe(<span class="hljs-function"><span class="hljs-params">event</span> =></span> {
browser.insertCSS({ code: <span class="hljs-string">"body{color: red;"</span> });
});//<span class="hljs-string">loadstop - </span>identify when browser closed</code>
} }
Supported Platform: These are the supported
- AmazonFire OS
- Android
- Browser
- iOS
- macOS
- Windows
So we completed the tutorial which is “How to use InAppBrowser Plugin in ionic4“.
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Happy Coding Guys.
Hi, I am a professional Ionic and React Native Pixel Perfect App Designer and Developer, with expertise in Client Communication, Bug Fixing, Third Party Lib, Version Control Tools, Requirement Understanding, and managing teams, I have 6+ years of experience in the same domain as well as in Codeigniter, JS, IoT, and more than 10 other languages. For the last 6+ years, not a single day went without design/development.
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