Some possible issues and expected solutions:
So google login is a very essential part of any app and when we start to integrate the google login in our app we face some common issues each time, so here we are discuss about that issues which is “Possible issues in google login using firebase”.

1) a non-recoverable sign in failure occurred react-native Google Sign In error 12500
Solution: This error has occurred if you don’t set the support email id in the firebase console.
2) Getting idtoken null in login with google react native
Solutions: it happens when Your SHA-1 key may be incorrect.
3) { [GoogleSigninError: DEVELOPER_ERROR] name: ‘GoogleSigninError’, code: 10 }
Solutions: it also happens when Your SHA-1 key may be incorrect
4) offline use requires server web ClientID google login react native
Solutions: it also happens when your client id from google developer account and WebClient id from firebase is not matched.
5) Error Code – 10 for SH1 not set, and 12500 if not set firebase support email.
The problem was SHA1 mismatch.
1] First Keystore File: Problem was while building apk Android studio was taking default Keystore file which was located inside C:\Users\<LOGGED_IN_USER_NAME>\.android\debug.keystore
2]Second Keystore File: Also I created one other Keystore file which was located at different directory i.e. app/keystore/debug.keystore
So we completed the tutorial which is “Possible issues in google login using firebase“.
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Happy Coding Guys.

Hi, I am a professional Ionic and React Native Pixel Perfect App Designer and Developer, with expertise in Client Communication, Bug Fixing, Third Party Lib, Version Control Tools, Requirement Understanding, and managing teams, I have 6+ years of experience in the same domain as well as in Codeigniter, JS, IoT, and more than 10 other languages. For the last 6+ years, not a single day went without design/development.
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