Facebook again come into picture because of around 419 million data leaked, before going in details first we remind you that earlier in 2018, facebook confirmed that millions of Instagram account password stored in plain text online, it simply means that any one can access the information what they need, but at that time facebook has been a less successful privacy. Again last night as a news of a data leak exposing the phone numbers that was linked to 419 million user account.
How did this happen?
facebook database, that have details of 419 millions users, were found unsafe by any password. According to TechCrunch, Zack Whittaker revealed that multiple databases across several geographies included “133 million records on U.S.based Facebook users, 18 million records of users in the U.K., and more than 50 million records on users in Vietnam.” Each of these records have both the Facebook ID and the phone number that were linked with.
What does Facebook say about this?
A Facebook spokesperson appeal that “this data set is old and appears to have information obtained before we made changes last year for security reason”. He also confirmed that the databases had been closed down and there is no evidence about to data leak. But Zack Whittaker twitted and said that “Facebook is under a lot of pressure to try to minimize the number of phone numbers that were exposed”.

Praveen Maurya work in e-commerce domain having knowledge of Plugin development in Magento 1.x/2.x, Drupal, Woo-Commerce, PrestaShop, Opencart and other e-commerce solution. When he is not engrossed with anything related to these, he loves to explore new things.